Perfect photo for the next like? Being perfect as parents, perfect at work and in your private life … the list could be continued indefinitely. The strive of perfection does not diminish even with “P-Time”? Then it is high time for the next level – beyond perfection!
Our inner patterns, mottos or beliefs can only do 0 and 1 – like an IT program. ON or OFF. No gray area. If we want to change these patterns, we need the direct view exactly there:
- What do I want to achieve with perfection? What are the demands on me behind the pursuit of perfection?
- And what exactly do I have to do or not do to achieve it?
- And what price do I pay for it? What do I accept for it?
Challenging: Our inner motto cannot simply be erased, deleted or erased. We can’t get rid of it that easily – it’s like a part of our DNA!
The good news: Inner patterns don’t exist to make our lives difficult or to annoy us – beliefs always have a positive intention!
The question: What has this inner motto been good for so far? What benefit did I get so far from striving for perfection?
The answer: Treating the motto with respect and at the same time appreciating it. This is the next step: What change in my inner attitude is feasible so that the benefits are still ensured and the stress is reduced? Where can I allow myself exceptions to perfection?
I start … I practice it … I allow myself … yes, I am good and right as I am!